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- The author of this site engages so that the contained information is not in any way prejudicial or defamatory towards some person, organization or community that it is.
- Except explicit mention, numerical format photos included on this site are realised by Gilles Maria-Sube, IT consultant established in the Great-Duchy of Luxemburg.
- Numerical format photos of this site are property of Gilles Maria-Sube and cannot be used without his prior approval; any contravener exposes himself to legal proceedings in accordance with the laws in force.
- Conception of this site is work of Gilles Maria-Sube and all items texts, photos, graphical files or multimedias are (except explicit mention) the work of the author of this site.
- The counterfeit obtained by means of a reproduction or artifact of the one of the elements such as photographs, display files or logo of the site constitutes a punishable offence of legal sanctions, such as that is envisaged by the law.